Exercises & workouts

Single leg glute bridge
Strict handstand pushup 6cm
Bar muscle-up band assisted 7kg band (orange)
Weighted Chest to Ring
Czech pull-up two
Bar muscle up with towel
L Hang on rings
Arnold Ring Row
Push Up
Box press three
Weighted erom pushup
Hip abductor hold with leglift
Kickup and bail
Assisted Sissy Squat
Situps ball overhead to toes
1 1/2 pull-ups
Handstand pushup 3cm
Shrimp Squat
Pushup against wall
Ring Dip band assisted 14kg (red)
Bar muscle up from between boxes
Hanging Windshield Wipers
Bar muscle-up band assisted 23kg band (blue)
Glute ham raise
Strict handstand pushup 9cm
Dips between chairs
Plank march
Eccentric Ring Dip + kip