Exercises & workouts

Prone to pushup to tuck lean
Reverse plank
Diamond pushups
Band assisted knee raise into bar muscle-up
Supinated ring pull-up
1 1/2 pull-ups
Hanging oblique raises
Handstand pushup 3cm
Hanging scapula shrugs
Plank shoulder taps elevated
Arnold Ring Row
Muscle-up from box without false grip
Bar muscle-up band assisted 23kg band (blue)
Shrimp Squat
Negative pushup on box
Jack knifes
Kip Swing
Banded sissy squat
Ring Row wide position
Dual DB Hollow Flutter Kicks
Handstand marching
Leg raises with lat activation
Band assisted pull-up 2 x blue
Handstand single leg kickups no balance
Banded kipping pull-up 7kg
Bulgarian Ring Row
PVC Banded Front Lever Pull Down Holds
Strict handstand pushup 5cm