Exercises & workouts

Pike march
Band pull apart
Alternating bench jack knife
Chest to wall handstand pushup
FG Muscle Up on Riser
Adductor side plank
Leg lifts in Dip Support
Negative Strict Muscle up from boxes
Pike scissor rebalance
Pike handstand scissor
Strict pronated pull up
Medball GHD sit-ups
Elbow Side plank
Wall Handstand leg shuffle
Wall Facing Hip Taps
Pistol on box
Knees to Elbow
Angled wall hold
Butterfly pull-up with top pause
Ring pull-up supinated to pronated
Band assisted dip 7kg (orange)
Single leg hip thrust
Box press two
Hanging knee raises in stall bar
Inverted row
Pike ins on rings
Front foot elevated kick stand squat