Exercises & workouts

Hollow Hold
Push Up
Single leg glute bridge
Weighted Chest to Ring
Sissy Squat
Band assisted ab wheel rollout 14kg (red)
Negative Bar Dip
Hollow rock
Bar muscle up with towel
Body saw on rings
Pushup on dumbbells
Ring Dip band assisted 7kg (orange)
Kickup and bail
L-sit Rocks
Bar muscle-up band assisted 7kg band (orange)
Weighted erom pushup
Band assisted pull-up 2 x blue
Pistol to bench
Bar muscle up from between boxes
Bar muscle-up band assisted 14kg band (red)
GHD sit-up ME in 60s
GHD sit-up ME in 20s
Band assisted dip 30kg (green)
Dynamic Side plank on bench
Box press three
Assisted pistol
Band assisted single bar dip 7kg
Eccentric Ring Dip + kip