Exercises & workouts

Dragon flag
Sissy Squat
Bottom support on rings
Negative Bar Dip
Hollow rock
Pushup on dumbbells
Body saw on rings
Reverse Crunch
Strict knee raises
Band assisted ab wheel rollout 14kg (red)
Bar muscle up with towel
GHD sit-up ME in 60s
GHD sit-up ME in 20s
Weighted erom pushup
Assisted Sissy Squat
L-sit Rocks
Band assisted dip 30kg (green)
Ring Dip band assisted 7kg (orange)
Eccentric Ring Dip + kip
Kickup and bail
Band assisted single bar dip 7kg
Hollow Flutter kicks
Box press three
Situps ball overhead to toes
Pistol to bench
Alternating situps feet anchored
Wall facing tuck
Assisted pistol