Exercises & workouts

Inverted row
Band assisted dip 7kg (orange)
Strict pronated pull up
Ring pull-up supinated to pronated
GHD Crunches
Pull-up feet on floor
Single leg hip thrust
Box press two
Hanging knee raises in stall bar
Band assisted pull-up 23kg (blue)
Dynamic hand side plank
Czech pull-up one
Bench dip
Standard Box Around the world
Front foot elevated kick stand squat
Band assisted dip 14kg (red)
Pike ins on rings
Band assisted ab wheel rollout 23kg (blue)
Wall facing tuck balance
Hand release Pushup
Crossfit Open 14.3
Diagonal V-ups
Nordic Hamstring on GHD
Ab wheel rollout on knees
Handstand hold, back against wall
Handstand scissors
Jumping lunge
Dragon flag