Exercises & workouts

Muscle Up on Riser
Wall facing scapular shoulder shrugs
Pull-up behind the neck
Hip abductor hold with leglift
Bulgarian Split Squat medial pull
One leg glute bridge foot elevated
Muscle-up on floor
Reverse plank
Handstand marching
Wall facing tuck
Band assisted knee raise into bar muscle-up
Dips between chairs
Bulgarian Ring Row
Legless Rope Climb
Elbow plank alternating lateral feet movement
Muscle-up from box without false grip
Ring Row wide position
Hanging Windshield Wipers
Strict Sternum Pull-up
Jack knifes
Glute ham raise
Strict handstand pushup 9cm
Strict handstand pushup 5cm
Butterfly half pull-up with top pause
Diamond pushups
Active Hang in rings
Band assisted kipping pull-up 7kg