Exercises & workouts

Power Clean + Clean
Double KB Front racked Step Down Lunge
Double KB Sumo Deadlift
Seated alternating biceps curl
Push Press from behind the neck
Clean pull on riser
Kettlebell swing
KB press
Hang Power Clean into Front Squat
Pendlay row supinated grip
Seated Dumbbell press
Reverse Power Snatch
Staggered Stance 2xKB RDL
Curtsey Squat Front Rack
Lat pulldown
Pronated barbell biceps curl
Banded Sumo KB DL
Sliding RDL
Wide grip pendlay row
Trap bar deadlift
Narrow Stance Dumbbell RDL
Front rack kettlebell carry 10m
3-pos Snatch Mid-Hang + Low-Hang + Floor
Kettlebell Cross body split squat
3-pos Clean floor, knee, mid-thigh
Hang Power Clean and Jerk
Bent over DB row