Exercises & workouts

Hang Squat Clean
Kettlebell Cross body reverse lunge
Medium deadlift
CrossFit Total
Decline Dumbbell Benchpress
Preacher curl
Banded Single arm Dumbbell deadlift suitcase
Decline close grip benchpress
Oblique rope pull 10m
Bear Complex
Power Clean on riser
Dumbbell Reverse Flyes
Curtsey squat on box
3-pos Clean, mid hang, low hang, floor
CTB Pull-up supinated grip
Walking Lunges with KB
Jerk Support Hold
Yoke carry 10m
Cable triceps pressdown rope
Dual Dumbell Snatch
Banded Kettlebell Swing
Kettlebell Cross Body Clean
Wall ball
Lateral Lunge with Dumbbell
High cable crunch
Unstable OHS
Alternating curl and press