Exercises & workouts

3-pos Snatch
Farmers walk 10m KB
Reverse Lunge to Step Up
Sandbag carry 10m
Dual Kettlebell Reverse Lunge
Half get up
Single arm bent over dumbbell row
Three position biceps curl
DB French z-press
Tall Clean
Jerk Dip Squat
Medball Reverse lunges
Upright row
Seated dumbbell curl with twist
D-ball to shoulder
Farmers Walk 10m
Push Jerk in split
Dumbbell Pullover
Benchpress Powerlifting Style
Dual Kettlebell Single leg RDL
Power Snatch on riser
Banded Bulgarian Split Squat dumbbell suitcase
Back Squat to high box
Halting Clean
Waiters walk 10m with KB
Weighted V-up
Russian Kettlebell Swing 15 reps
GHD medball sit-up