Exercises & workouts

Straight arm bar muscle-up band assisted
Pseudo planche pushup
Ring Biceps Curl
Elbow headstand
Banded kipping pull-up 14kg
Bar muscle-up band assisted 30kg band (green)
Strict Handstand Pushup for max ROM, 5 reps
Strict ring pull-up
Straddle czech 2
Lateral mountain climbers
Muscle-up on floor
Band assisted single bar dip 14kg
Band assisted muscle-up 7kg band
AMRAP Muscle ups
Situps ball chest to toes
Deadbug diagonal
Hollow to arch roll
Hanging flutter kicks
Strict HSPU for ROM
Rope Climb
Ring Row scapula retraction
Prisoner single leg RDL
Handstand single leg kickups short float
Glute bridge with band
Straight leg straight arm situp
Strict Handstand Pushup for max ROM, 3 reps
Dips between chairs