Functional Push

Functional Push is a training plan where we combine building mass and strength in less than 60 mins per session. This is a perfect follow-up to the training plan Functional Pump.

Sixteen sessions with Functional exercises for strength and baseline conditioniong. If you are on the look for creating a solid foundation for becoming a bad-ass then stop right here and activate.

You can practice this program 3-4 sessions per week for optimal results and even 2 times a week will give you improvements.

What it is
60 minutes of highly effective strength training with medium rep ranges combined with high rep rep ranges to maximise strength & hypertrophy and to get a conditioning effect. There are no complex weightlifting exercises, just brute strength. If you want to increase your squat, deadlift, press and pull-up strength and combine it with aesthetics this program will do the job.

What to expect
You will get stronger in the Squat, Pull-ups, Benchpress and Deadlift. You will improve the shoulder press. You will learn a ton of exercises that will hit the abs, glutes, arms, shoulders and more. 

Is it for me?
Yes it is. Regardless if you are a novice or pretty advanced i bet you will be challenged at your level.

Most bang for the buck
If you are in shortage of time you need to train the most bang for the buck exercises and some of them are.
Squats, Military press, Deadlifts, Barbell rowing and Benchpress. We highly empathize core and body-weighted exercises in the accessory section every session.

We prioritize upper and lower body equally so for example if you are on the look for developing your pull-ups this program is for you.

What it is not

This is not a CrossFit or conditioning program however you will develop a conditioning capacity to move big loads quicker. If you are in serious need of a conditioning program I highly suggest that you combine this program with Dynamo or Turbine. 

Lets roll on Functional Push!

Antal pass: 16
Tillgång: Du har tillgång till programmet så länge du vill
Pris: kr295

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