Exercises & workouts

Banded bent over row
Banded bent over row, alternating
Alternating Kettlebell Push Press
Single arm dumbbell floor press
KB Floor Press
Floor press dumbbells
Decline Dumbbell Benchpress
Decline narrow grip benchpress
Incline Dumbbell Benchpress
Incline Benchpress
Decline Alternating Dumbbell Benchpress
DB Benchpress in bridge alternating
Alternating DB Benchpress
Three position biceps curl
Three Point DB Row
Alternating Benchpress top support
Z-press with kettlebell
Banded Single arm z-press
DB French z-press
SA DB Arnold Z-press
Alternating curl and press
Alternating KB Thrusters
CrossFit Games Open 23.2b
Weighted Plank
Waiters walk 10m with KB
Farmers walk 10m KB
Single arm KB Front rack carry
Weighted chest to bar pull-up