Exercises & workouts

Frog jumps
Sofa jumps
Skater jumps
Walking plank
Reverse lunge
Reverse lunge to chair step ups
Lunges star complex
Lunges forward and back complex
Forward Lunges alternating
Walking Lunge
Dips between chairs
Band Resisted deadbug Hold
Banded sissy squat
Wall facing handstand balance
Halting Strict HSPU
Front Lever on floor
Handstand balance
Press to handstand liftoffs band assisted on parallettes
Back facing tuck to straight
Back facing half 7 down
Back facing tuck down
Tuck down with wall as safety
Wall facing negative handstand press
Handstand straddle to straight
Straight tuck straight handstand
Tuck down handstand
Handstand pushup 9cm
Handstand pushup 6cm