Exercises & workouts

Strict handstand pushup 5cm
Bar muscle up 3 position drill
Bar muscle up scoop to hollow drill
Bar muscle up hollow pull down drill
Bar muscle up sliding pull down
Bar muscle up rolling pull downs
Standing hollow pull down
Hollow bench sliders
Banded kipping pull-up 30kg
Banded kipping pull-up 23kg
Banded kipping pull-up 14kg
Banded kipping pull-up 7kg
Inverted row bent knees
Bulgarian split squat bodyweight
Hollow jump to support
Patrick Step
Bulgarian Split Squat medial pull
Alternating situps feet anchored
Weighted erom pushup
Straddle Czech 3
Straddle czech 2
Pullover + negative bar mu
Bar muscle up + negative bar mu
Ring Dips feet at hip height
Ring dips feet at mid thigh
One ring supinated row
Sissy Squat