Exercises & workouts

Dip support weight shift
Dip support march
DB Star Plank
Cross body mountain climbers
Sideplank clamshell hold
Single Leg Reverse Plank Bridge
Box dips hands at hip
Body tightener
Bird dog
Bar muscle up with towel
Deadbug diagonal
Banded Deadbug hold
Banded Deadbug alternating legs
Arch-ups on bench
Arch ups
Alternating bench jack knife
Alternating knee tap crunches
Ab wheel rollout hold
L-sit Rocks
Rope climb on box
Rope climb on pull-up bar
Strict handstand pushup 20cm
Strict handstand pushup 15cm
Strict handstand pushup 10cm
Strict handstand pushup 5cm
Bar muscle up 3 position drill
Bar muscle up scoop to hollow drill
Bar muscle up hollow pull down drill