Exercises & workouts

Single arm cable triceps pressdown
Strict supinated pull up
Smith machine sumo deadlift
Shuttle run
Supine to standing rope pull
Smith machine benchpress
Standing Single arm cable row
Swedish Kettlebell Swings
Scapula push-up
Sandbag wrestling
Smith machine incline benchpress
Sandbag squat
Single unders
Strict handstand pushup 10cm
Snatch one arm
SA banded push down
Smith machine narrow feet hip thrust
SL Hip thrust on chair with pause
Steady state
SA Scull crusher
Single arm kettlebell swing
SM 2010 Event 3
Squat n pull three
Smith machine single leg RDL
Snatch from blocks, mid-thigh
Segment Snatch Deadlift on riser
Single arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
Slow Box Step Up
Smith machine cyclist squat
Smith machine squat
Squat n pull two
Strict bar muscle up
Sidoplanka på rak arm
Single arm db thruster
Squat Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk
Single arm pull-up on pegboard
Ski erg 1000m
Snatch grip SLDL
Strict Bar Dips
Segment Snatch pull
Strict muscle-up on box
Sumo deadlift high pull with kb
Smith machine single leg box step down
Squat Jerk
Swim 25m
Snatch Close Grip
Snatch high pull from riser
Standing Medball kip throw
Standing Triple Jump